Emerging Technologies In Medicine
Artificial Intelligence and Smart Hospital Summit
Advancing Technology
Advances in healthcare and medical research are already strongly driven by information technology and engineering. Technologies like individual genome sequencing, high-performance multiparametric imaging or wearable medical devices generate exponentially growing datasets while contemporary data-mining techniques allow to extract large amounts of valuable data from existing archives of unstructured medical data. These offer the opportunity for highly specific clinical decision making and personalized precision medicine.
Challenges & Opportunities
Further acceleration of medical innovation by upcoming technologies like artificial intelligence and smart hospital can be safely predicted. However, as complex challenges often require complex solutions, these technologies demand an interdisciplinary approach between clinicians, computer scientists, engineers, researchers, healthcare providers, legislators and many other disciplines.
Insights & Networking
We are poised to bring all stakeholders to the table to define the demands of clinicians and healthcare providers, outline technical solutions and create a common understanding of the opportunities, and also the difficulties that may arise. With the second ETIM meeting we aim to create new insights, stimulate networking and initiate a sustained flow of communication between individual experts and workgroups.