Biomedica on the Move
The Enterprise Europe Network, in which ZENIT is partner, cordially invites you to attend the international virtual matchmaking event “Business meetings Biomedica on the move 2021”.
It will take place on the occasion of the 3rd edition of the hybrid conference „Biomedica on the Move“. The event is (co-)organized by Enterprise Europe Network partners, among others, from Belgium and The Netherlands and supported by the sector groups BioChemTech, SG Healthcare and SG Materials.
The aim is to offer an opportunity to find partners worldwide for product development, manufacturing and licensing agreements, distribution partnerships, research cooperation, joint ventures, financing/investment and other types of partnership.
Benefit from:
- four parallel online workshops targeting MDR (medical device regulation) issues in the morning
- hybrid Biomedica on the move session as MATMED event focusing on innovative materials in the afternoon
- hybrid MDR-CONFERENCE with a common keynote in the late afternoon
- Participation of various international stakeholders, clusters etc. in the field of Life Sciences
- two 1-1 virtual matchmaking sessions, either in the morning and/or in the afternoon
The following sectors/industries are addressed:
- Healthcare
- Medtech/Pharma
- New materials & Nanotech
- Biotechnology
- Hospital and Care equipment
- Certification & Regulation
- Testing/Analytics
- Diagnostics
- Further supply chain related activites /support services of sectors mentioned above
The main target groups are: industry, academia, start-ups, investors
We offer the opportunity to make targeted and time-efficient virtual contacts with visitors from Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands and abroad. Through an online platform (you don’t need to download any software), interested parties can present themselves in the run-up to the event with a profile and thus make targeted appointments.
Dates and deadlines of the virtual matchmaking:
- From 13 April 2021 on: Register as soon as possible. Please note that number of participants also for virtual matchmaking is limited.
- From 3rd May 2021 on: Please request and confirm meetings
Participation on 25 May is free of charge, but registration is mandatory!
Further information and registration:
Virtual matchmaking:
Hybrid conferences: and MDR-CONFERENCE.NRW
Contacts matchmaking: