Gesundheitsmetropole Ruhr Themen
25 Aug.

Sonntag, 25. August 2019 | Bochum

Knappschaft Kliniken Universitätsklinikum Bochum

SuSIE – International Summer School on Imaging in Epilepsy

The 5th SuSIE will take place from August 25th to 28th, 2019, in Bochum, Germany. It has an educational core of 15 clinical state-of-the-art lectures and 16 clinical workshops. The major topics are:

  • presurgical epileptology (adult and pediatric)
  • visual and automated detection of epileptogenic lesions
  • multimodal imaging and coregistration
  • stereotactic and navigated neurosurgery
  • clinical application of EEG/MEG source analysis

Target audiences of the educational part of the SuSIE are: adult and pediatric epileptologists, neurosurgeons, radiologists, neuropsychologists and EEG and imaging technicians.

For clinical researchers the 2019 SuSIE hosts three scientific workshops and a symposium on:

  • stereotactic planning procedures
  • EEG/MEG source analysis methods
  • MRI physics (sequences, coils, quantitative MR, seizure imaging, functional imaging)
  • tele-medicine solutions in epileptology

The SuSIE Innovation Center and Career Fair offers young, innovative clinicians and scientists the possibility to meet with senior researchers and representatives of scientific consortia and imaging industry to inquire about cooperation possibilities and to look for positions in hospitals, scientific institutes or industry.

In addition, the SuSIE is a market space. Meet the providers of imaging solutions and learn how specific software and hardware solutions can be integrated into your clinical or scientific work-flow.

New: Booking of single day and even single workshop tickets is possible now in addition to the classical whole SuSIE participation. This makes the SuSIE attractive for people whose interests overlap only partially with the offered topics, in particular neurosurgeons and scientists.

New: Due to a grant of the German Society for Epileptology, access to the scientific workshops is free for participants up to 35 years of age (this accounts for physicians, scientists, etc., not for representatives of companies).

Join the SuSIE! Use the opportunity to meet with users, developers and providers of imaging solutions around the indications epilepsy, epilepsy surgery, and epilepsy research in numerous formats (workshops, application trainings, SuSIE-Forum, SuSIE-brain suite, exhibition, SuSIE symposium and SuSIE market space).

Jörg Wellmer and Susanne Knake

SuSIE Directors

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